
Anne Lucking joins the Board of PCCB

Anne has been appointed as the nominated CoPSO representative on the Board of the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) and replaces Alan Thorogood of Infotrack who relinquishes his post by rotation after 6 years. Kate Davies, the...

CoPSO criticises HMLR for potentially misleading conveyancers

Trade body calls for immediate review of all marketing and publicity materials issued by Government Department in respect of Local Land Charges centralisation project. The Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO) has strongly...

Search Trade Body Calls For Clarity From Government

CoPSO welcomes positive findings for private sector search companies CoPSO has welcomed the recognition by Government of the positive contribution made over many years by private sector search companies to the benefit of home buyers and...

CoPSO Annual Conference 2018

Chairman, James Sherwood-Rogers, welcomed a record number of members to the conference at the Victory Services Club in London. He gave a summary of the work CoPSO has been doing since the last event back in October 2016, covering the...

CoPSO Annual Conference 2018

We are delighted to announce that CLS will be the Gold Sponsor at the CoPSO Annual Conference this year. The event will take place on 15th March at the Victory Services Club in London with Graham Farrant, CEO at the Land Registry as a one...

TM Group CEO to serve a further three years on CoPSO Board

CoPSO is delighted to announce that Paul Albone, the CEO of TM Group, has been re-elected for a further three years as a Director of CoPSO. Paul who heads up TM Group has already served for three years as a board member and was...

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