Coronavirus/Covid-19 arrangements

16 March 2020

Against the very uncertain backdrop created by the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we have moved forward with contingency arrangements to continue providing a service to all our clients.

Although we will endeavour to maintain working from our office to the extent that is possible, the nature of our business allows all team members to work from home in need. We will institute home working for our team members as appropriate to their individual circumstances.

The wellbeing of our people is paramount to us and should any of our team members contract the virus they will of course be asked to take whatever time is necessary to recover fully. It is therefore possible that the Associate who usually takes care of you may be unavailable for a period of time and, should that be the case, we will provide support from other team members.

We will endeavour to answer telephone calls as normal, but you may not be able to access your usual team member at first point of contact. Should this be the case we will take a message and arrange for you to be called back the same day.

We seek your patience and forbearance in these difficult times, but please be assured we will do all that we can to provide you with a service that is ‘business as usual’.

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