CoPSO Annual Conference 2018

22 March 2018

Chairman, James Sherwood-Rogers, welcomed a record number of members to the conference at the Victory Services Club in London. He gave a summary of the work CoPSO has been doing since the last event back in October 2016, covering the increasing activity of engagement with Local Authorities and stakeholders. He advised that a strategy session had been held the day before to look at the ever-changing property market and industry and discuss how CoPSO will adapt and move forward. We were then delighted to welcome Matt Prior, from the MHCLG who spoke about his work on the recent Call for Evidence by the Government, the input from stakeholders and the results from the research carried out with 2000 recent home buyers. PCCB Board member and property expert, Kate Faulkner, followed giving her insight into what is happening in the property market, property transactions and the importance of the consumer. Both Kate and Matt then answered questions from the floor. The dynamic duo of Denis and Lorna, the PCCB Inspectors, were next and gave everyone a case study to work on to find all the errors in the search. They then covered the main changes and updates that have happened since the last conference. All compliance notes and Bulletins are available to download from the Resources section of the PCCB website. Lunch then followed and a time to catch up with fellow members and visit the sponsor stands. Our sponsors, CLS and Terrafirma then said a few words about the work they are involved in. Our next guest was Graham Farrant, CEO at HM Land Registry, who took us on a whirlwind tour of the history of the Land Registry and their current priorities including becoming the leading land registry for speed, simplicity and an open approach to data. Our final speaker was Nick Carey from Ordnance Survey with an update on their restructuring into three divisions and the creation of a Geospatial Commission. The second workstream is looking to establish opening up OS MasterMap data to UK based small businesses. The discussions went on into the evening with a drinks reception where caricaturist, David, astounding all with his quick drawing and amazing skill in capturing the likeness of all those present. After dinner, magician - Paul Martin, now a good friend of CoPSO members showed his latest tricks and hypnosis. We would like to thank Index for sponsoring the drinks reception, CLS, HM Land Registry, Terrafirma and Stewart Title for the conference and FCI for the entertainment. Our speakers have kindly agreed to make their presentations available to download and they are available by logging in and clicking on the Resources tab of the PCCB website.

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