CoPSO Welcomes resolution to long running VAT issue

12 December 2016

Competition will get better for conveyancers and their clients in 2017.

CoPSO is pleased that the long running saga about adding VAT to CON29 searches produced by local authorities has finally been resolved with the announcement that they must apply VAT to fees that they charge with effect from 1st January 2017. There has never been any doubt so far as CoPSO is concerned that provision of the CON29 is a non statutory commercial activity and that VAT should therefore be applied. That it has taken the Government and local authorities so many years to address this issue is very regrettable.

James Sherwood Rogers, Chairman of CoPSO remarked: ‘At least from 1st January 2017 our members will be able to compete on a level playing field when it comes to the provision of regulated personal searches to their customers. CoPSO has engaged with HMRC over many years seeking resolution to the unacceptable position whereby Local Authorities have enjoyed a price advantage in offering the CON29 to conveyancers and their clients. A level playing field will now exist as between public and private sectors which ultimately can only be to the benefit of homebuyers’

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