CoPSO Annual Conference - one week to go

18 October 2016

The Annual Conference is just over a week away and we encourage all members who haven't already done so to book their place.

The session will start with lunch at 12.30pm in the Carisbrooke Hall at the VSC and will be followed by:-

  • Welcome & introductions – James Sherwood-Rogers (CoPSO Chairman)
  • Kate Davies – PCCB Chairman
  • Who’s Who – PCCB – Lorna Bown, Inspector
  • PCCB Compliance Update - Denis Purshouse, Chief Inspector
  • Gerrard Kerrigan – Pen Test Partners – Cyber crime
  • Graham Farrant – Land Registry update
  • Nick Carey – Ordnance Survey update
  • Q & A Session and summary

6.30pm onwards, members and their guests will meet for a drinks reception, followed by dinner and entertainment with guest speaker – Baroness Hayter.

To book - please email - 

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