CoPSO appoints new members to its board

6 August 2013

The Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO), whose members produce over 80% (by volume) of all private sector searches produced in the market, has made a series of new additions to its board.

The new CoPSO board will continue to be led by Chairman James Sherwood-Rogers. Its new directors will comprise: Paul Albone of the TM Group - one of the UK’s largest search providers; Matt LeBreton of CLS – a leading provider of title insurance to the conveyancing community; and Dan Montagnani of Groundsure – a highly respected provider of environmental searches.

The new board members will work alongside the existing Chairman and will be responsible for driving forward CoPSO’s key objectives over the coming years. These include further strengthening the widely recognised Search Code, through the introduction of additional compliance notes and guidance. The board will also be looking to further increase recognition of both CoPSO and in particular the Search Code among the lending community, as well as other influential bodies such as the Law Society and its membership. 

James Sherwood-Rogers, Chairman of CoPSO said: “Firstly I would like to take the opportunity to thank the outgoing board directors, who have all played a significant role in driving CoPSO forward over recent years. Our new board members bring with them a wide variety of experience from within the search industry and demonstrate the scope of CoPSO’s activities in this sector. An immediate focus for us over the coming weeks and months will include responding to the Law Society’s consultation over CON29, the Land Registry’s privatisation project and reviewing our own new standards for flood searches.”

CoPSO members supply the great majority of conveyancing lawyers in England and Wales with a variety of different types of searches, including Regulated Personal Searches, drainage and water searches, environmental searches and flood reports. COPSO represents over 90% of the private sector industry in the provision of data and services, and has over 100 members.

For more information visit: 

Follow the CoPSO Chairman on James Sherwood-Rogers on twitter: @JamesS_R 


Notes to Editors
About The Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO)
The Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO) is the major trade association for the property search industry. Members provide a broad range of property search reports including local, environmental, mining, chancel repair, drainage and water data and undertake over 2 million searches each year.

The membership includes water companies, environmental search providers and organisations offering local searches. Today, CoPSO members produce 80% (by volume) of all searches produced in the market.

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