CoPSO and the PCCB work on enhancing compliance with the Search Code

1 September 2011

CoPSO and the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) are actively engaged in restructuring the way that the Search Code is enforced to ensure that maximum resourcing is focused on compliance activities. Code Subscribers have been advised that all administration of the code is now undertaken by CoPSO and that all subscribers are Affiliate, Associate or Executive members of CoPSO.

The focus for the PCCB is now entirely on compliance matters involving desktop and physical inspection of subscribers. The Board which is fully independent and has a majority of public interest directors has the power to exercise whatever sanctions it sees fit in respect of subscribers that do not rigorously abide by the provisions of the Code.

Mike Ockenden Chief executive of CoPSO said:

“The CoPSO executive has been delighted with the progress made in the engagement with the PCCB to deliver processing efficiencies in the administration of the Search Code. These efficiencies will allow the PCCB to be wholly focused on compliance activities which will be to the benefit of consumers, lawyers and mortgage lenders alike. We know the Board is already making excellent progress in this regard”

“We look forward to a formal launch of the new working arrangements between CoPSO and the PCCB in the near future.”

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